Many think quitting is easily accomplished by tossing the cigarettes away and willing yourself to stop. Doing so can help someone quit the habit, but there are easier ways of accomplishing this. Stop Smoking Dangerous Habit. A number of strategies and smoking cessation aids exist that can ease the quit process.
If you’re trying to quit smoking, take things one day at a time. Don’t focus on not smoking ever again. Instead, focus on not smoking today. If you take things in a shorter time frame, it is often easier to cope with the stress. You can always have more goals that go well into the future as soon as you get comfortable with the commitment to quit.
If you get the urge to light up, try using a delay tactic. When a craving strikes, tell yourself to hold on for just ten more minutes. Find something productive to do during those ten minutes, and chances are, the craving will be less intense when they are over. If you don’t, keep repeating this as you need to.
There is a certain amount of weight gain that is often the result of stop smoking, and eating fruits and vegetables instead of sweets is one way to help avoid this. This can help balance out your system and avoid unnecessary weight gain. Feed your cravings with only the healthiest foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
If you have been unable to quit smoking with just willpower, add some nicotine substitutes and see if that works. These products deliver small doses of nicotine to your body to help wean off the addiction without the pain and stress of withdrawal.
Before you even think of beginning the process to quit smoking, you must be willing to stay committed. A lot of smokers have a hard time quitting because they are not approaching the issue with the right mindset and do not have enough motivation. Motivate yourself by considering each of the powerful motivations that you have for quitting.
Don’t do this all by yourself. Inform your family and friends that you are attempting to quit and ask them to inspire you to drop this habit. Consider joining a support group. Being with others who are in the same boat may be helpful.
Celebrate each milestone along your way to quitting, choosing little rewards you enjoy. For instance, enjoy a movie with a special friend after the first week has gone by. Another goal could be to go a whole month smoke-free. When you attain that goal, give yourself a nice dinner out at a special restaurant. Continue on like this to gradually increase the rewards to the point you don’t think of smoking any more.
Kick the smoking habit for the health of your loved ones. Secondhand smoke can affect the health of anyone around you who come into constant contact with it. When you’re stopping smoking you will also be stopping how much you expose your loved ones to the dangerous chemicals in secondhand smoke. By stopping smoking, you will not only protect yourself, but you will also protect your loved ones.
Allow your family and friends to know that you are giving up smoking. They will be able to help you stay on track. It’s hard to quit without a support system. This will increase your chances of success significantly, and get you to where you want.
Hopefully, this article has given you some great ideas on how you can succeed at quitting smoking. While it is unfair to say you will never crave another cigarette, dealing with the quit, and its temptations, will be more tolerable using the techniques you have just learned.